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Veröffentlicht am 16. September 2016. Modelbezeichnung 1660, 1778. Verfügbar in den Versionen: GSM oder CDMA / 32, 128 oder 256GB / Rosé Gold, Gold, Silber, Mattschwarz oder Hochglanz-Schwarz

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Why can’t the other party near me

When I place a call or receive a call the other party cannot hear me

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You might need a new charging port for the iPhone 7. It is a difficult repair because you need to remove the logic board and it can be frustrating the first time. Ifixit guide is pretty good step by step. If you can use the Siri microphone which is located in the ear speaker then its definitely the bottom microphone attached to the charging port. If your in San Diego check out this page. San Diego Mac Repair

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