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The Nissan Altima is a mid-size automobile manufactured by Nissan, and is arguably a continuation of the Nissan Bluebird line, which began in 1957.

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Where is the Speed Control Located?

where is the speed Control located in the Nissan Altima 2.5 2002?

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Do you mean the Engine Speed Sensor? This is located on the back of the engine block near the transmission. It is held in by a 10mm bolt.

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Where is the secondary transmission speed sensor? 1995 Nissan Altima

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Having a problem with my 06 Altima I'm driving around 70 mph and the rpm won't change it just keeps going up so the transmission not changing gears could the transmission speed sensor be no good or do you think the transmission no good anymore please need help thanks

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waht workig to intak sensor

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