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Device repair information and troubleshooting guides for the Acer Aspire V5-572 and V5-572G models of laptop computer.

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Wifi drops, only available in certain areas of house

For the last few weeks, my laptop wireless signal is very inconsistent at my desk, very low signal and frequently dropping. 5 meters away, on the couch, it connects but shows minimal connectivity, and is very slow. All other devices (other laptops, cell phones, tablets) in the house are fine at the desk and on the couch, it's just the laptop that has issues. So I'm confident it's the laptop, not the network, that is the issue.

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Can you get a "good" signal if you place the laptop directly next to the WiFi router or modem?

If so, (or even if not) check that the laptop's two WiFi antennae are securely connected to the WiFi card and have not come adrift.

Here is a link to the ifixit Acer Aspire V5-572, V5-572G Wi-Fi half mini PCIe card Replacement guide.

It shows how to gain access to the WiFi card. In Step.4 the antennae are highlighted.

Hopefully this is of some help.

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