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Repair guides and support for Nvidia's standalone gaming controller released on January 16, 2017.

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Nvidia Shield Controller (2015) touch buttons replacement?

So a while ago my 2015 1st gen Nvidia shield front touch buttons stopped working, and I thought it was a bad 12-pin cable. It turns out it's the touch buttons (nvidia button, home button, back button, and play button) that stopped working. I have searched far and wide for a replacement but haven't found anything. Can anyone direct me to where I can find one?

Thanks for responses in advance :)

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Mine also stops working but it’s a firmware issue. Recently I found out, when I cut out the power by disconnecting the battery from a 2015 controller and plugged back in everything works like a charm until I reboot or shut down the console. So I made a workaround. I drill a hole on a controller and connect a switch to the battery. It was annoying the old way now I just hit the diy switch off and on and everything works fine 


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