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The ZTE ZMax Pro is identified by its black color, rear fingerprint sensor and its model name, Z981, which can be found under the rear case.

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GPS is not working properly.

I turn on the location, go to google maps and it sometimes it gives me my position, a map (sometimes it's close but not quite the right place), but it doesn't track my movement. When the car is on the move it's the worse. I have done the following: installed/installed updates for Google maps, cleared the cache, powered and restarted my phone, made sure location is on, made sure data is on, turned off battery saving mode.

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Hi Buddy...

The quickest way to solve your problem is to toggle the GPS so that it gets a chance to refresh itself. You can turn the GPS On or Off from the notifications shade of your phone. Pull down the notifications shade and look for the GPS icon. Switch it Off and wait for at least 5 seconds. Switch On the GPS and allow it to check for the location again. Check if the problem you were facing has been fixed.

Your GPS can be using some assistance from other technologies to help get a better location. However, this will happen only when you have chosen the right settings. To check the GPS settings of your phone follow these steps:

Head into the settings menu of your device

Scroll to check for Location and tap on it

Under Location, tap on Mode

Here you will notice that there are three different settings available under Mode. Depending on the setting you choose, your GPS can provide you the most accurate location. You must choose the option “High Accuracy” because other two options will limit the manner in which your GPS checks the location.

'''If you have already updated Google maps and you still find the GPS of your device showing you inaccurate locations, then there is a chance that the compass is not properly calibrated. If your device gets incorrect orientation information when you try to use a navigational app, then the compass of your Android device needs to be calibrated.

You will require an app to calibrate the compass of your device. GPS Essentials is a good app, available on the Play Store, which can help you calibrate the compass of your device. Download and install this app. Open it and tap on Compass.

To calibrate the compass, you must use your phone to draw the figure 8 in the air. Once you wave your phone in the air creating the pattern of the number 8, sideways, you will be able to calibrate the compass. Draw the pattern a couple of times so that the phone’s compass is properly calibrated.

Once the compass has been calibrated, check if the GPS problem is fixed.'''


God Bless You

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Thank you so much, this fixed the problem! Tried a different calibrating app than the one suggested and it didn't work, GPS Essentials worked like a charm! Thank you, thank you!


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