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HP Envy 4-1030us ultrabook laptop. Released July 15, 2012, Product No. B5T04UA. Characterized by it's slim profile, the system comes can come in multiple colors.

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How to fix broken backing from hinge?

So my HP Envy Laptop won't close or open with both hinges. The hinge itself is fine, the piece holding the hinge to the back of the screen is not- as in the hinge is still screwed into ta piece of plastic, but the plastic broke away. I have tried hot glue and super glue, but it still came apart.

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You can find a cover on ebay at varying prices depends on what they are including with the cover.

Or you can drill thru and put small machine screws and washers thru, file them flat and add some tape ot goo to keep from catching on things.

Good luck


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