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Model A1318 / 32 or 64 GB capacity

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

White Screen of Death? Or something else?

I have what appears to be the WSoD. I have tried every hardware and software reset I could find, there are many. It is recognized by iTunes and has been restored to factory settings. No change. The screen stays a uniform white for about 20 seconds and then goes black.

Any suggestions?

Will replacing the LCD fix it?

Should the LCD & Digitizer be replaced together?

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Russell Causey, what generation is your ipod?


It is a Gen 3, 64 Gig. Everything appears to work except the display. I was able to get it to play music.


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Replacing the iPod touch (3rd Gen) LCD should resolve your issue. There is a very slight chance that the logic board is damaged where the LCD plugs in however, it is unlikely and replacing the LCD should be your first course of action.

Replace an LCD display compatible with the 3rd Generation iPod Touch model A1318. Bild


iPod touch (3rd Gen) LCD


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