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A wireless, more traditional, video game controller produced by Nintendo for the Switch system. Model number: HAC-013.

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Switch pro controller poaaibly dead after use with steam.

Yesterday I was using my xeboblade chronicles nintendo switch pro controller with steam on my laptop, I forgot to turn off the controller and so it appears the battery ran out.

I tried to use the controller but the sync button doesn't make turn on, nor do the shoulder buttons ot home button, I've tried charfing it but the charging led isn't lighting up, and it still doesn't work.

Anyone know of such an issue or a similiar one or about a fix.

Help is Much appreciated, thanks.

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Did you tried to sync the NS Pro with cable? On the Nintendo Switch controllers settings (update 5) turn on "Wired Pro Controller Support", the controller should work plug'n'play without any config. If that doesn't work you should try isolating the possibilities one by one:

Disassemble the NS Pro and test (with multimeter):

- The battery;

- Test the energy port;

- Test the sync button;

- Check out the charger, try different ones;

Come back to report success or failure.


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Can you describe how to do these tests to a layperson? I would like to attempt a diagnosis and fix after experiencing a similar problem to OP.


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