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Reparatur und Informationen zum Auseinanderbau für Logitech´s MX Master Wireless Maus. Veröffentlicht in 2015 und identifiziert durch die Modellnummern M-R0052, 810-004457, 910-004337, ‎910-004955, 910-005441, ‎910-005527 oder 910-005228.

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My battery is wonky, running out of charge randomly

My battery is wonky, running out of charge randomly and then if i turn it on and back off it will suddenly be back to 1, 2 or 3 green dots. This can happen mere minutes after charging it. It won't really charge properly either, it the three LED's all light up without the "pulsating 1-2-3" animation when plugged in.

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Bought a new battery on Ebay and installed it. Fairly cheap and made the mouse last another good while.

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