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Why is my PC so slow? Specs included.

My PC has been super slow all the time lately. I use it mainly for gaming but it's just slow in every possible way. When I start up my PC it takes 5-10 minutes to fully boot up. When I'm in any game and I alt + tab to load up chrome/task manager/anything, it takes anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute or so to actually load what I want. I just recently bought a NVIDIA 1080 and it increased my frames but the PC is just way to slow. Also, whenever it's running slowly and I'm able to get task manager open my disk usage is at 100%, is that the issue?

Specs: https://gyazo.com/8e7af1a358d27e964c92a7...

Any responses are greatly appreciated, cheers.

Diese Frage beantworten Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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Hi @willdm ,

have you tried starting the computer in "safe mode" to see how long it takes to boot up?

If it seems normal then you might have a driver problem. Have you got the latest applicable graphics drivers installed?

Have you checked in Task manager > startup to see how many startup programs are loaded on start?

If you are running a 3rd party A/V check that Windows defender has been turn off. You don't want 2 A/V competing with each other. Alternatively temporarily disable your A/V and see if performance improves. If it does you may have to repair the A/V by either repair or re-install.


Thanks for the response. I just disabled a few start up programs and I have the latest graphics card driver installed. How do I know if I'm running a 3rd party A/V? If I am do I turn off windows defender completely or just a setting in windows defender? I'll try restarting in safe mode now.


Just booted up in safe mode and it was considerably faster than usual. I also just tried restarting normally after disabling some of the start up programs and it was a little faster. Still a little confused on the A/V thing though.



A 3rd party A/V (Anti Virus) is one that you would have installed, e.g. Norton, McAfee, AVG, Avast, Kaspersky etc.

If you have one of these (or whichever A/V) go to Control Panel > Security and Maintenance > Security and check what it says. If it says that Windows defender is On (along with another A/V) go to Control Panel > Windows Defender and turn it off.

To get to Control panel, type Control Panel in the search box on the desktop and then click on the link that appears "Control panel desktop app"


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A virus, perhaps?

Same thing happened to my gaming setup a little over a year ago. Had CPU usage at 100% almost near constantly. if anti-viruses like malwarebytes don't solve it, i'd reinstall windows.

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Cheers for the reply, I think I'm going to buy an SSD and then reinstall windows


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I would recommend checking how many programs you have that open on start-up by going to task manager and going to the start-up tab. You can see which programs are more demanding when your pc is booting up. It could also be time to upgrade to an SSD if your hard drive is an older model. I would recommend for best performance a Samsung SSD as they are the best performing, but most expensive. If you are looking for a more budget option I would recommend a Silicon Power SSD. You can also use your hard drive to store game data while using the SSD for windows.



Silicon Power


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Great idea, I'm going to buy an SSD and then reinstall windows. Thanks for the reply mate


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