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Das Moto E4, auch bekannt als Motorola Moto E (4. Gen.) oder die Modellnummern XT1765, XT1766, XT1767 und XT1768 wurden im Juni 2017 veröffentlicht.

14 Fragen Alle anzeigen

How do I repair cracked screen?

My Moto E4 cracked the screen after dropping, what can I fix it with? I'd rather not replace whole screen if I dont have to! Ty

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How do I fix my Motorola E-4 screen without a hair dryer


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I actually fixed it with windshield repair....

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Really? That's pretty cool, can you post a picture of it?


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You can either put a piece of shipping tape over so you don't cut yourself or you would have to replace the screen. There is no way to repair the broken glass without replacing it.

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