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Das iPhone 6 mit dem 4,7 Zoll Display ist die kleinere Version des iPhone 6 Plus und kam am 19. September 2014 auf dem Markt. Es hat die Modelnnummern A1549, A1586 und A1589.

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iPhone 6 keeps vibrating after answering call

Hello everyone,

iPhone 6 keeps vibrating after answering the call, time counts on screen and no sound can be heard on speaker and on earpiece, also other person wont hear you.

In very rare case the call is successful and everything works fine, but most of time problem occurs.

I know it is logic board problem.

I read that it could be Qualcomm WTR1625L RF transceiver, but maybe anyone fixed this problem and can tell more about possible solutions maybe it is not RF Transceiver? Thanks all, hope I will get help here!


No water damage.

Beantwortet! Antwort anzeigen Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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Anyone? any help appreciated


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3 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

It appears to me to be more audio related issues than "radio" (RF) issues. If the call is connecting properly but no sound to or from the receiving end occurs, I would suspect the Audio IC (U0900).

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i have this problem , and so far i have replaced "Audio IC" , WTR , BB_PMU , and also i have reballed BB_CPU , but the problem did not go


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Did you ever figure out the answer? I’m experiencing the same thing and no one seems to have the answer

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I had the same issue and replacing a WTR1625L helped. At first I replaced the Audio IC, but it was still the same.

Also L4512_RF was knocked off, but I think it was while removing the IC.

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