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Die Wi-Fi Version von Apples iPad 6, erschienen im März 2018. Erhältlich mit 32 und 128 GB Speicher. Ausgestattet mit einem 9,7" Retina Display und einem 64-bit A10 Fusion Prozessor.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Can you replace the home button and still retain functionality?

Just looking to retain home button function, I am not concerned about retaining Touch ID.

If it can't this is going to push along of schools into paying for apple care.

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Replacing the Home Button will not retain the TouchID functions but it will allow you to "push to click". If you want to change the HB yourself, check out this guide.

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That guide only tells you how to remove. I have found no documentation concerning home button function after replacment.

Just wanting to see if Apple pulled the same trick with the home button that they did with the iPhone 7 and 8.


It's a physical actuator, just like all the iPhones before the iPhone 7. You can see it in the picture above (that little black dot in the middle of the button). So if you change the button, you maintain "push-to-click". The iPhone 7 has a solid state button which is why replacing it kills all functionality.


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On the iPad 6 if you replace the home button it will continue to work as a home button without Touch ID. The issue regarding the iPhone 7/8 was due to it being a solid state button, while the iPad 6 button actually physically moves.

I hope this helps,

Charlie B.

Source: 2 Years experience

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Do you mean after screen replacement with original home button still Touch ID will not work ?


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Do you mean after screen replacement with original home button still Touch ID will not work ?

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