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The Sony Xperia XA2 is an Android smartphone manufactured by Sony Mobile and succeeds the Xperia XA1. Released in 2018.

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Is Sony Xperia XA2 waterproof?

After tearing down this handset, can you distinguish whether it is waterproof?

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No device is water proof. The correct wording is water resistant.

When you open any device assume any water resistance rating to be gone as it requires it to be resealed properly back to factory specifications to have any sort of water resistance again.

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if the above person paid more than one second looking into the phone before going on this tangent, he'd know the phone is *not* at any level waterproof, resistant, or anything

its a somewhat tight seal on the phone which helps maybe, but dont expect the phone to survive or argue water resistance on the warranty, its not certified for anything. I learned this the hard way


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It's definatelly not wateproof - mine is drown in bathroom and it's dead now.

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