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Repair and disassembly guides for electronic keyboards.

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Power supply jack needs repair or replacement

Yamaha P-120 S

The power supply jack has become loose, even "jiggles". Is this as easy as replacing the jack, or perhaps soldering whatever is loose? I'd like to know if it's fixable before I tear into it.

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@mikeghc here is the manual for it. yamaha_p-120_s.pdf. with that you can disassemble your Keyboard. The connector in question is JK101 and the Yamaha part number for that is V8149800

You can try and source the connector either from a broken board (it appears that most Yamaha Keyboards use the same connector) or you can measure the physical attributes and see if you can find a match at either mouser.com or digikey.com as well as any other place. Your keyboard is definitely repairable Let us know what you find.

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I was hoping a simple re-solder would do the trick. It's just the jiggling that causes the connection to be lost. Very frustrating, obviously!


@estonepiano that sounds like a wore out connector. Of course could just be a bad older joint but you’ll have to check that out.


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I just repaired the same problem on my P-120. Turns out the problem was a broken trace on the pc board the jack was connected to. I had to desolder the connection and replace the trace with a piece of wire. That solved the problem. Also, the connector on the P-120 is not a typical yamaha connector. Most yamaha boards are 12vdc and the P-120 is 16vdc. the adapter is larger and more complicated and the connector is larger than a typical yamaha connector. Be very careful, because that trace is extremely close to another that must remain separated. It would be way too easy to create a solder bridge that would be in error.

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