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No output to monitor after wooden texture

I was gaming on a really warm day and left my casing open to lower te temperature inside. Then suddenly some kind of a wooden texture appeared on my screen, I can hear for a couple of seconds the sound of the game before it quiets down as well. When I tried to reboot my motherboard and graphics card would work, but my mouse, keyboard and monitor would not work. ( my mouse usually glows but now it wouldn't )

I tried anything I could find on the internet.

- changing RAM, putting one at a time, using different ram.

- changing power supply. Same effect as with old one.

- disconnecting all cables from monitor to PC

- disconnecting cables from the power supply

- taking out the battery.

- resseting CMOS.

- Holding in power button for 60 seconds, multiple attempts.

- Taking out graphics card and connecting monitor to motherboard.

- trying out different monitors with different outputs.

- trying out different hard drives.

When I wanted to see if something was up with the proccesor I was not able to take it out of the motherboard, im assuming it melted. I bought a new proccesor and motherboard. Switched with the old one and used my old psu, ram, hard drive and graphics card. My mouse lighted up and my keyboard started working. But still no signal to the monitor. I tried taking out my graphics card again and plugging different monitors with different cables to my motherboard but without any succes.

What should I do now?


- FM2A68M-HD+ ( motherboard )

- AMD Athlon x4 860K ( processor )

- R7 370 AMD MSI ( graphics card )

- EVGA 500W B ( power supply )

- Seagate 1TB

- 2 x Ballistix 4GB ( Ram)

Thanks in advance!!

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Hi @proodigy ,

Go back to basics and try a barebones PC setup, i.e. just PSU, motherboard with ram, keyboard and monitor and see if you can get into BIOS with a screen displaying.

If you don't get a display then hopefully when your 1st motherboard died that it didn't take the graphics card with it. I realize that you tried a different card in the new mobo, but am hoping that the original graphics card didn't damage the new mobo when you first tried it in the new mobo.

If you get a display OK go on from there by adding HDD and then seeing if it displays OK etc.

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