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Repair guides for Samsung Galaxy J3 smartphone.

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Null imei and unkown baseband

I have an Samsung j3 and some informations are missing.

Model: SM-J320F

Android version: 5.1.1

PDA version: J320FXXU0AQK2

CSC version: J320FDBT0AQK1

Phone version:

Product code:

CSC country code: Germany

CSC sales code: DBT



HW version:

RF cal date:

Chip name: SC9830I

Modem board:

Security patch: 2017-11-0

I'm wiriting IMEI and Product code with z3x but the phone won't accept them

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If you have proof of purchase you should be able to take it to a Samsung Authorized Repair shop and they should be able to help you out, or you can call 1-800-SAMSUNG (Samsung Support) and see what they recommend. Though if you do not have proof of purchase they may not be able to help.

Good luck!

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man this answer is lame


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ido not know how can i download the file

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please download. my life low time. time is extended

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