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Nintendo’s first major revision of the 3DS released to Japan in October of 2014 and to North America in September of 2015. The 2015 3DS introduces improved 3D capabilities, a C-Stick, new internal amiibo support, and a new set of trigger buttons.

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L shoulder button not working BUT ZL is?

So I recently picked up a used N3ds xl off eBay. The only issue it has is that the Left trigger button is non responsive. I have tried to blow on it. I also tried replacing the ribbon cables with new ones and that did not work either. The ZL button works properly tho. If I turn the ribbon cable connection upside down and connect it shows as if it’s always pressed. So I’m assuming it works. Not sure where the problem is. Id rather not send it off to Nintendo since I’ve been able to fix many problems in the passed. Anyone have any idea or suggestions?

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The answer may sound absurd, however, bring your lips ONTO the button and blow hard. It seems that it could work if u do so.

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Managed to solve that problem, I re-assembled a everything for like a 4th time and it worked. Thanks for your response. During the process tho my touchscreen has become unresponsive, the screen and buttons work but the touch isn’t working now. Any ideas? I check the connectors and even removed the screen and cleaned it.


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