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Besitzt die Fähigkeit, vom Laptop- in den Tablet-, Zelt- oder Standmodus zu wechseln mit seitlichen Scharnieren. Veröffentlicht im Januar 2014

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

screws spin but dont come out

the 2 screws on the back panel closest to the center front on my lenovo yoga 2 13 spin, but they don’t come out and keep the back panel locked in place. they have a tiny bit of resistance and feel like they step 12 times per revolution. could the standoffs have broken off allowing the screw to spin but preventing it from unscrewing? do i have to cut the panel open?

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They most likely have brackets on the back. Unscrew it as far as you can then give them a gentle pull.

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mateuszdrwal wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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