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HTC's affordable A9s. Released in September 2016 with Android 6.0 Marshmallow

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How can I open the backside for battery replacement?

Hi everybody,

Due to the incredibly bad battery performance of my HTC One A9s, I decided not to buy a new phone but to replace the battery. However, I bought the battery and a little stick/tool to open the backside, but it does not open without any potential damage. Since it has a clear opening and something like a groove in its design, it shouldn’t be that difficult, right? There appears to be no information or youtube-vido whatsoever on this topic on the internet, so can anybody help me getting it done?

Thank you a lot in advance,


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You open the HTC One A9s from the front. The screen is glued down with adhesive. I recommend using an iOpener and a set of Opening Picks.

Here is a YouTube video detailing the repair:


Thin prying tool for opening electronic devices. Opening picks are essential to open any iPad, tablet, or smartphone sealed with adhesive. Bild


iFixit Opening Picks (Set of 6)


No more adhesive battles! With our iOpener, you can quickly and easily remove glued components in electronic devices whether you're a repair professional or beginner. Apply gentle, even heat to loosen the adhesive holding smartphone, tablet, and laptop case components and batteries. Bild




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Thank you so much! But that video is for the A9, is it the same procedure for the A9s? Thanks!

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you go in through the front

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Same problem for me the A9 seems totally different to A9s,

A9s looks like rear panel to access for battery access

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