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Ein Desktop Computer ist stationär und in einem Gehäuse untergebracht, getrennt von Peripheriegeräten wie Maus, Tastatur und Bildschirm

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My PC is not being launched

When I start my PC, it continues to turn on and off. Why is it?

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Please share more information on your computer built, so we can know more



Intel Pentium 4, 3.0Ghz HT


MSI 865PE Neo2 S

Graphics Card

MSI GeForce FX5500


Kingston 1GB x 2 DDR 400Mhz

Power Supply Unit

Antec Earthwatts 550

Operating System

Microsoft Windows XP SP3

What had you checked? sometimes this issues could be due to faulty hardware or memory RAM need to reseat again.

If you have multiple Memory, I would suggest you to remove all and test one by one.... if it does not boot still, check on your graphic card also.


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Most likely power supply mate. Could be RAM sticks. Could be motherboard. Could be wires not completely plugged in. Need more info. Best solution though would to open it up and fiddle with it yourself but be careful and look up guides if you don’t know how. You could make it worse if you don’t know what your doing.

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