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Repair guides and support for 17" laptops in the Pavilion Notebook 17 series. These laptops have model numbers 17-g000 – 17-g099.

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How do I wipe my hard drive

How do I erase the hard drive on my HP Pavilion 17 PC Notebook so I can sell it?

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What I would do is remove the Hard Drive, put it in an enclosure and attach it to a computer. I would then erase the Hard Drive on that computer and put the Hard Drive back into your laptop and re-install the primary OS (e.g. Windows) using bootable USB.

Windows Media Creation Tool for creating a bootable USB

Unfortunately I could not find a guide for removing the Hard drive for your computer. Maybe someone else can help find one?

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Best way to reset everything is following the guide HP has put out. It can be found here: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c0...

Hope this helps.

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