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The HTC HD2 is a smartphone manufactured by HTC and running the Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system.

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My cat took my screws

Dude! I just followed your instructions and everything worked great except at step 3 when I separated the chassis from the frame, the spudger flipped out of the case, flew up and hit me in the eye. I jumped and knocked the ziplock bag off the table and my cat ran over and grabbed it and ran off with it. Now I don't have any screws to put my phone back together. Any suggestions?

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Don't put catnip or other herbs in your ziplock bags and then use them for other things.

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Good point. I never woulda thought reusing Ziplocks could be a bad thing. But any idea where can I get more screws? I thought about doing a poopie watch on the cat in case he ate them, but he only uses the cat box about half the time.


what about open the cat ????


ifixit official cat teardown, that be funny.


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