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Aufpolierte Version des iPhone 3GS mit schnelleren Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit. Die Reparatur geht ähnlich wie beim 3G vonstatten und braucht nur einfache Schraubendreher und Hebelwerkzeuge. Modell A1303 mit 16 oder 32 GB Kapazität mit schwarzer oder weißer Kunststoffrückseite.

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one headphone is not working...

3gs 32gb have changed the 3 times powerflex but still same problem only 1 headphone is working other not. but when we take out the flex out to phone and we adjusting the headphone cable rarely i can listen both headphones are working. with the orignal flex also same problem. i already checked the logic board with the other phone . logic board is ok

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SIMRAN, have you checked your headphones and may be tried another one?


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i have a set of bose headphones that only work at a certain position in the iphone... no matter which phone they are in.. I believe it is a problem with the jack pin on the headphones. I'd try the advice and try other headphones

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Simran if you are happy the logic board is ok, and you are sure the headphones are ok then it only leaves one thing that can be defective. It would be highly unlikely that 3 power flex are also defective unless you are buying from the same dealer.. ?? perhaps it is not connected properly?


i bought all from the same seller. now what to do. if we take out the flex from the phone use again then at certain point both headphone are working .


simran..if you bought 1 from the same seller and sent it back, then got another 2 faulty flex I think really you have a batch of bad flex. don't buy there again!!!! buy from another dealer, use ebay whatever, but get a refund...


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If one headphone is playing and the other is not, you probably just need to get new headphones. You're plugging the headphones directly into the phone, correct? Because if you are using some sort of adapter, you may have the wrong one.

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i m using the orignal came with this . that are working fine with my macbook pro and ipod ...


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You could try using a different pair and see if they work.

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i tried but no success ....


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