Stalling during cold weather
I have a 1995 jeep grand cherokee (4x4, 150xxx miles). It tends to stall as I shift from P into reverse (automatic) during cold mornings (30-60 F). or if I let the car warm up for a extended period of time (5 or more minutes) with the heater on. After stalling, the car will crank but not turn over until after 5 minutes; however, if I press on the gas while cranking after the stall, the engine will turn over but will eventually stall again once the RPM drops when I let go of the gas pedal. No check engine light. The car will successfully remain “on” if I let the car rest for ~5 minutes. A lot of white smoke comes out of the exhaust, and the concrete is stained temporarily due to whatever is blowing out of the exhaust. I also smell a chemical odor during these situations.
Side note: sometimes after it starts, the RPM will surge on its own without pressing the gas. This sometimes occurs after putting the car into D — the car will accelerate on its own without pressing on the gas pedal.
Also, some unrelated (but could be related issues) worth noting:
-had a slow, slugging crank for a week that seems to have gone away
-heater has progressively weakened in past few months
-I occasionally hear liquid draining nearby the glovebox which seems to come from under the hood
It stalled at a stop light this cold morning which prompted me to seek help. I’ve done a ton a research and I’m seeing recommendations to replace throttle positioning sensor (my suspicion also), ECM, fuel filter, etc.
Does anyone have any recommendations or similar experience?
Much appreciation in advance,
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