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Num lock,caps lock blinking

I have Medion MS-7616.My keyboard worked fine until 2,3 weeks ago,then suddenly num lock start to blinking and keyboard don't working good.When i try typing something or play a game keyboard starts to lag or something like that,example:when i type a letter it continious to typing by itself or when i play a game car starts to moving by itself too.I was reading answers on many forums that is some softver issuses and i try to solve it on many ways like there is describe but nothing works.I know i lot of about a computer and i was fixing so many times issuses on my pc or others but i see something like this for first time.And i forgot to tell,i connected keyboard to other pc and it works fine but i connect again to this pc it start to lags like i said before.So it's some issue in softver for sure but i don't know what.Please if you know how to fix this i will be very grateful

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Hi @mark1919

Check CPU Heatsink and Fan (Ensure it is not blocked by thick dust)

Perhaps if possible, list out your components e.g.


Intel Pentium 4, 3.0Ghz HT


MSI MS-7616

Graphics Card

MSI GeForce FX5200

Memory (RAM)

Kingston 2048MB DDR 400Mhz (1GB x 2)

Storage Drive

Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 HDD 250GB SATA

Power Supply Unit

Antec Earthwatts 550

Operating System

Microsoft Windows 7 Pro SP1


It's possible.I didn't clean my pc for a long time.My components is:Intel core i3 2.9 Gh,Nvidia geforce gt350 1gb,Main board is MSI 7616,RAM 6GB 3gbx2 don't know it is Kingston or other,and i don't remember what is name of other components,OS is Windows 7 Ultimate.I will check other components as soon as i get home and i will write it here


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Gewählte Lösung

You said that keyboard worked fine with another computer but has another keyboard worked fine on that computer?

That may sound confusing.

Basically try plugging another Keyboard into the PC that is “having problems”

See if that works, could be a software issue between them two specifically.

If you really love the keyboard try going to Device Manager, finding “Keyboards”…

click on to expand, then right click on your keyboard, click uninstall.

After that, un plug your keyboard. Restart your computer. Then plug the keyboard back in. It will install its automatic drivers for it.

See if it works.

Doing everything I said should give some solution, or some answers at least.

I don’t think it’s a hardware problem at ALL. In which is what some of them are concluding to above.

Most likely a OS issue. If nothing else works, reinstall Windows while keeping files.

Or get a new keyboard (Obviously being if another keyboard works with it)

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That is problem,i don't have another keyboard. I try already to reinstall keyboard but nothing happened,i'm even restart bios but nothing again.However i will try to find another keyboard and do what you said


Ok man. Get back to me if you get it to work!


Sure.Last night a keyboard was worked fine until morning,then same issue start again


I start thinking that virus is problem of all of this,cause my pc was infected by virus 2,3 months ago,but i'm not sure that i was cleaned it



Ok if you think that is the issue. Download CCleaner and MalwareBytes (both have saved me from viruses for sure)

You can download free versions for both of these.




Fiddle with those programs, CCleaner will clean and delete prefetch and unused appdata.

Malwarebytes will search and delete malwares, or viruses.

If that doesn't work, fresh install windows like I suggested previously.


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