Why is my monitor saying no signal?
My friends PC hasn’t been working at all we thought maybe it was the monitor but it worked fine when plugged in to laptop the build is https://pcpartpicker.com/list/RGtQYT this includes the monitor but it just won’t work we tried methods to the monitor and checking all ports from GPU to CPU to hard drive nothing seems to work if anyone could help fix this that will be appreciated.
Ist dies eine gute Frage?
3 Kommentare
Hi @agoodname ,
Did you try removing the graphics card and see if there is an output from the onboard video HDMI or DVI-D ports? At least to get into BIOS and check the video settings.
von jayeff
Process of elimination first. Make sure that the monitor is good. Then make sure the GPU is good. Also check the cable is good. Before you know it you'll have a spare cable, monitor, and GPU (or switching to onboard as @agoodname said) to be sure.
von Jason
We tried removing the GPU and just going straight off the ports of the motherboard but it still says no signal my guess was the CPU, but i didn't see any ports for the CPU that was off. If you like screenshots add me on discord @GtsbeastFX#5218
von agoodname isgood