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Shark Ultimate Professional 1800-watt clothes iron, identified by model number GI505.

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steam button failed on my Shark Proffessional iron.

My steam button has failed on my Shark Proffessional iron. Button stays down. Can I repair this?

I saw a blog from someone with the same problem and they tried prying the button up and griping the piston below it to raise it. This seemed to work for them. I tried and the button will not come off when pried up. I cannot see a way to open the iron from the top. Anyone with a solution?

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I just use a pair of tweezers and pliers. I believe it just get stuck every once in a while.

1. Remove steam button with pliers

2. Use tweezers to pull up white stem inside.

3. Replace steam button.

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I had the same problem and took mine completely apart. To get the buttons out you have to grab them with pliers and pull up hard. The problem is actually a rubber seal at the end of the piston. After only 15 months of use the rubber had deteriorated and deformed so the piston gets stuck. It looks like the steam just destroys the seal. Unless someone knows where to get the seals there is no way to repair your iron.

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Thank you…followed your directions, and it worked!

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