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The HTC HD7 is a Windows smartphone succeeding the HTC HD2. Announced October 2010.

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Replaced HD7 digitizer - new problem :( ..plz help

I just replaced the digitizer on an HD7 (terribly difficult phone once you get down to the digitizer and LCD). Well..once i reassembled it, the the phone turned on for a minute..then shut back off. I took out and reinserted the battery and back cover. The phone turns on for a few seconds then shuts back off. I dont know what is going on....any ideas where I could have messed up? Any particular area I should go back to and take look at? Seems to abruptly shut off all of a sudden...soo frustrating...

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Not sure, but maybe you can help me out... I'm trying to replace mine as well. I have the back of the phone disassembled, but can't figure out what to do next. I have unclipped the circuit board that is on the lower part of the phone, but don't know what the next step is. Did you have a guide to help you with this? (Also, are you referring to the HD7 on T-Mobile, I noticed while searching for HD7 disassembly guides I usually get a different HTC (Appears to be a desire branded as an HD7... I need the HD7 that is a Windows phone on T-Mobile USA)

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This is in chinese, but the photos helped a bit (http://w w w .xda. cn /newshow.php?snid=1107&page=&pages=12.First I had to use a heat gun and slowly pry out the broken digitizer. There are three plastic prongs stuck to the original digitizer that control the touch buttons (windows, search, back buttons) that must to transfered over to the new (and positioned the exact same way). Its ok to break the old digitizer cable (obviously). Once you pry out the old digitizer, the harder part comes, which is the LCD. I used the heat on the opposite side of the LCD (the back of the frame) then slowly and carefully started prying out the lcd from the front. It is slow and tedious process, but once you get the LCD out, then its a matter of putting new new digitizer on the LCD (with the three prongs) and reattached the two back onto the frame. I have to used some adhesive to make them stay. This may not be the best description of how to do it, but hope it helped somewhat.) Now, i need to figure out how to fix my problem :)


Thanks Matt. Is there any way to separate the old digitizer ribbon from the LCD without have to remove it?


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Hi, I don't reallt have answer to your question, only to the second one. Can you replace digitizer without removing the lcd? The answer is yes and no. Not really, but you can only remove the lcd itself, not the metal plate holder thingie it sits in. The lcd itself has virtually no glue on it, whereas the plate is seated with a massive amount. Obviosly the problem is that while trying to open it, you will break the lcd. So only take out the lcd (the plastic part) and the metal stays. Then you can play with the metal when there is nothing you can possibly break. Hope it helps

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Also, if you have the bottom part of the motherboard unclipped, the upper part is just stuck on with tape, but careful with all the wires and ribbons. To the first question, my only idea would be shorting? It ight be turning off to prevent frying, see if something is not shorting against the case or anything.


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some body nows how to fix the reboot that some times during conversation it make?

i try to reflash rom stock and change memory flash stick but nothink solved...


marco (italy)

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