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Das Flaggschiff-Smartphone von Huawei wurde im Oktober 2018 in London vorgestellt. Die Modelle LYA-L29 und LYA-L09 sind mit einer 6/8 GB RAM und 128/256 GB Speicher erhältlich. Dreifachkamera-Konfiguration, 4200mAh Akku und ein im Display integrierter Fingerabdrucksensor.

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Where to buy lcd screen replacement

Hi Fellows,

You guys know where I can fix broken lcd screen of Mate 20 Pro, I mean in US.

Thanks in advanced

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I was searching for a while and I can’t find any in the US. But considering Huawei is a Chinese company, you should be fine ordering from China as long as you buy an OEM part. That is, unless your concern is time.

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Not sure you will find a Service Center in the US (You can try their app), but here's a company that sells replacement screen with DIY instructions if nothing else works:


Hope this helps!

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