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Das iPhone 6 mit dem 4,7 Zoll Display ist die kleinere Version des iPhone 6 Plus und kam am 19. September 2014 auf dem Markt. Es hat die Modelnnummern A1549, A1586 und A1589.

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Unresponsive / Laggy original touchscreen

Just like another person described, however no parts were replaced, still the original screen and the same problems:

  • keyboard buttons don't fire
  • Keys will lag and then fire multiple times (e.g., apps starting by themselves)
  • Scroll becomes jittery and/or completely unresponsive.

I’ve tried restoring the phone and in the begining looked like it was better, but after sometime, it came back.

It happens in a completely intermittent mode.

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It's possible that there is an issues with the screen that is on the phone, or there is an issue with the logic board. Did this issue start after a heavy drop, or has the phone ever been dropped before?

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Hi Michael, thanks for your reply. It might be, but it wasn't (apparently) a big drop, just a “regular drop” from my nightstand.


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