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A mini tablet computer designed by Blackberry and manufactured by Quanta Computer in 2011. Model number RDJ21WW.

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playbook stuck on connect to wifi screen

got used playbook,when i start it up,it goes to software update and unable to connect/setting screen.when i go to connect to wi-fi.i cannot connect.ive tried manually and wi-fi protected setup,both dont work.the little green circle on bottom left corner just spins endlessly.does any one know of a hard reset?I would grealy appreciate any help,thank you in advance.

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Sounds like you got scammed by whomever sold this to you, he/she probably broke it, and tried to pass it off as a working product.


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I have just faced the same problem with my brand new playbook and had to perform a forced update for the software and it fixed

You fix it by the following these steps :

Step 1: Open BlackBerry Desktop Software on your Computer.

Step 2: Make sure that the BlackBerry PlayBook is turned off completely.

Step 3: Connect the BlackBerry PlayBook to the computer while powered off.

Step 4: If the BlackBerry PlayBook tries to power on (any LED lights display), keep holding down the power button until the BlackBerry PlayBook powers down.

Step 5: A message should appear on Desktop Software stating that the BlackBerry PlayBook could not be detected.

Step 6: Select the Option "Update" (there is a limited time frame to select Update when this message appears.)


If you do not get the pop up message indicating that the BlackBerry PlayBook could not be connected, please perform steps 1-6 again.

After you have completed the forced update, you will need to go through the out-of-box setup again.

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Does your WiFi router broadcast the SSID? If not try changing it to do so.

Apparently you can connect directly to your PC and update the firmware to resolve issues like this. Have you installed the desktop Manager on your PC?

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I have exact problem. I see the Network SSIDs. I select my own, use PIN. On my router shows that it connected and the Playbook Green circle just spins and spins while saying connecting. Then just stops. Can't get past this to even use. Basicly the playbook is now a brick.

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I did ALL 1 TO 6 STEP BUT it but its not workinng i cant setup playbook not wifi its serching nor Catching NETWORK can anyone help

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got used playbook,when i start it up,it goes to software update and unable to connect/setting screen.when i go to connect to wi-fi.i cannot connect.ive tried manually and wi-fi protected setup,both dont work.the little green circle on bottom left corner just spins endlessly.does any one know of a hard reset?I would grealy appreciate any help,thank you in advance.

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Than You Dear


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