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Repair guides and support for the Nikon D800 and D800E digital SLR cameras announced in February 2012.

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Nikon D800 all blackout

My nikon DSLR D800, the viewfinder goes blackout..even in off mode. The image results the same..all dark. What could be the issue??

I tried every possible settings..

Could it be hardware problem??

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This happened to me the other day. I found it still works through live view but suspect something is loose in the view finder. Any ideas how to fix?


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Assuming that the viewfinder curtain is out of the way, it sounds like the mirror is locked up.

I would take the battery out, make sure it has a full charge and try again.

Put the battery in, turn the dial on the top left of the camera to the “S”, single exposure setting and turn the camera on.

Does that solve the issue?

Is the mirror locked up for cleaning? Check that in your settings too.

If not, you need to see a Nikon technician as there may be a physical issue with the mirror.

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