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A 2012 Windows 8 gaming laptop manufactured by Asus.

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Which ATK package to update with for this machine

My upgrades to WIN 10 have gone well , as far as I can tell.

I lost keyboard backlights a while ago - might have been the 1st WIN 10 update.

I was hoping to recover that function but I get the impression that there are specific atk packages for different machines.

It has been unclear, which version to use for my admittedly old asus Asus G75VW-BHI7N07

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Check this out, guy has been maintaining the updated list of Asus drivers for about 4 years already:


In your case, I’d suggest you to try one these packages:

  1. Win10 32bit:
  2. https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/Ap...
  3. Win10 64bit:
  4. https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/Ap...

Make sure to uninstall the old version before installing the new one.

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Hi Kurt,

your laptop is manufactured and supported for Windows 8 - Support drivers is still based only for Windows 8, so there is chance, that you will lose function of your laptop after the update. Regarding Asus ROG support drivers - There is officially released drivers for Windows 8.

If you still want to stay on Windows 10 - You will need to search for specific drivers for specific services - You can visit Asus Rog forum - Topic G75VW Windows 10, where you will find all drivers for services. (including ATK Package)

I hope, it will help you,


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