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Die Neuauflage vom April 2014 von Apples MacBook Air 11" erhielt aufgefrischte Dual Core i5 und i7 Haswell Prozessoren und eine leicht verbesserte Akkuleistung.

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MacBook Air wont turn on unless plugged to charger

So im having this issue with my MacBook Air early 2014.

It won´t turn on unless plugged in to the charger and after booting up, i can unplug the charger and it will work fine.

  • already reset SMC
  • Restore OS via USB
  • Tried new battery

Issue persists.

Any help will be thanked!

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Gewählte Lösung

That points to a logic board issue at charging/main power circuit. Usually that comes from a liquid damaged Mac or a poor quality aftermarket charger. One way or the other it would need component level repair or a logic board replacement.

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obviously i need a component repair, thats why im asking where to start looking. No water damage neither cheap aftermarket charger used...

Both batteries are OEM, replacement was pulled from another MacBook


If there are not obvious related causes you may try with a I/O board and relevant flat cable replacement to start with. If that doesn't help you'd need to start probing U7100 and relevant circuitry, then SMC.


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Though I had 100% charge on my battery, my Macbook Air 2013 won’t turn on without connection to the power adapter. It would turn off when unplugged. I did as suggested - PRAM reset and SMC resets but the problem persisted. Figured I had to buy a new battery, even when running a Apple Diagnostis said my device has no problems. I decide to practice removing the old batteries and putting them back so I know what to do when the new batteries came. Interestingly, disconnecting the battery from the logic board and reconnecting solved the problem of needing a power adapter to run. My unit now works pretty well….

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