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A1418 / EMC 3068 / 2017 / 2,3 GHz Dual-Core i5 Prozessor. Erscheinungsdatum Juni 2017.

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Is this machine capable of 32GB of RAM?

so when I look at the available upgrades available for the iMac EMC 3068 the kit iFixit sells for it comes with 32GB of RAM, however I’ve heard that this computer can only use up to 16GB of RAM. Is it actually able to handle 32GB of RAM?

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@tylerhman yes it can. “For the 21.5-Inch "Mid-2017" iMac models, Apple reports that they have 8 GB of "2133 MHz DDR4" or "2400 MHz DDR4" memory onboard. However, in a pleasant surprise, as first discovered by site sponsor OWC, the memory actually is not onboard and can be replaced or upgraded after the initial purchase of the Mac, it's just unnecessarily complicated. Some models actually can support more RAM than Apple officially supports, as well.“ from here and the original OWC findings “We have confirmed compatibility of up to 32GB of memory.” right here

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The 18.1 only supports 16GB the 18.2 (4K display) support 32GB


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I just tried to upgrade using the 32GB IFIXIT Kit and was unable to get it to work. After installing the RAM and turning on the mac the screen remains blank, no startup chime. Only 2 out of 4 leds lit… :(

Put the old ram modules in again and the machine boots normally. Does anyone actually tried to put 32GB in?

Anyone else had this issue or maybe knows what might have gone wrong installing the memory modules?

Any feedback is appreciated, this kit wasn’t cheap and now I’m stuck with two 16GB memory modules that seem useless to me.

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did you ever get and answer on this mate? i have done same thing, led 1 + 3 light up but not 2


@sevensoda - What is your exact model, different series have limits.

The Mid-2017 21.5” 4K iMac does support 32GB but the standard model doesn’t! It’s limited to 16GB.


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