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Veröffentlicht am 22. September 2017. Modell A1864, A1897. Erhältlich als GSM oder CDMA / 64 oder 256 GB / Gold, Silber und Space Grau.

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Fixing Glass on the Back Housing!

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I want to learn how to take off the iPhone 8 back glass but not the full back housing. I attempted it in the pictures but I don’t want to have to do it so rough next time. Don’t worry it wasnt a full phone in there. It was just the housing for parts. Future tips and tricks would be very helpful!!! Thank you!

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There are no tricks to it. The adhesive that Apple uses for the back glass is INCREDIBLY aggressive. Without specialized tools and equipment, the “easiest” (note the quote-unquote) method is to freeze the housing with liquid nitrogen. This will turn the adhesive very brittle and allow you to scrape it off with comparatively less effort.

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Check out JerryRigEverything’s video on YouTube - https://youtu.be/ZMKDoQ3qk7k.

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