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Erste iPad Generation mit 3G, verfügbar mit 16, 32 oder 64 GB Speicherkapazität. Modell Nummer A1337. Reparaturen sind unkompliziert und verlangen keine Wärmezufuhr.

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Where can I find the clips that secure the digitizer?

I have done the ultimate sin! I have broke the clips that hold the digitizer ribbon into the logic board.

Now the digitizer will not pick up touch!

The only thing I can do is try to replace the plastic clip that is on the connector.

i have done a massive search of google and cannot find the part without buying a complete logic board. Anyone have a source for these???

I may need more than two because I broke the other one trying to learn how to remove and reinstall!

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I'm sorry to say that I can't really help - since I have the same problem. Did you ever find a solution that works?


Are you searching these Clips ?


I think erikmolson is looking for a clip that is on top of the connector and holds the cable in place. Not the LCD clips


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not sure if this will help -


i ordered two of these just to have a couple onhand - not to resolder the entire assembly in, but just cause this was the only thing i could find that might have the little plastic clips youre asking about..

however, earlier i had a damaged one, with the two side prongs broken off, managed to slide it into place on another ipad i was working on, and with some finagling, got it to clip down onto the ribbon properly..

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I also broke one of the digitizer cable retaining flaps while replacing my iPad's LCD. After making sure that there were no pieces of the broken clip remaining, I tried just sliding the digitizer cable into it's housing slot, leaving it unclipped, and hoping for the best.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the touch screen was accurately responsive about 95% of the time, with only intermittent registration of phantom touching. Of course, while that's better than I'd expected, it's far from ideal.

So I went back in, and used a small piece of polyimide tape in place of the clip, and haven't had any problems since. Of course, this was just a little while ago. Still waiting to see how long-term a fix this is. Worst case scenario, I suppose I could do a little light soldering.

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I just did the same thing - at first - only one broke off (the one near the top edge). Therefore, the bottom half of the screen worked. So, then I tried to take the screen off again, this time breaking the other one and now the screen doesn't work at all.

I need help.


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How did you use the polyimide tape on the digitizer connector? I just had this happen to me as well so half my screen isn't working. Has it held up?

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I see this is an old post but I have been looking around for help on the topic. Looks like if you can solder you can fix it. I also read about Mylar tape working wonders for a couple people.

Found the actual part on eBay for the digitizer flaps ....


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CyberDoc here

you can find both the ipad 1, 2 , 3 digitizer and LCD FPC connector here

we also do this repair service.


Block Image


With the mylar tape, you are really just putting bandage on a broken connector.

Depends on how you break your connector and if you bend your pins off tack or not applying external pressure from tape may or may not bring back the touch function with dead spots.

Any strong tape would work really, just don’t use conductive tape that will short out your board. You will have to open the ipad and redo the whole thing again and again over time and hope it still works, because over time the tape can lose strength holding the flat ribbon connector down. The way you shake your ipad from normal usage can also let the tape lose hence undone the touch screen. soldering and replacement of the FPC connector is really the only lasting fix. Its not that hard ro expensive to get it replaced. See youtube videohow to take your FPC old connector off. 20$ if you do it yourself.

And you can get connector repaired here for less than 99$

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I almost gave up till I thought of the retaining clips as the problem. I just finished replacing a shattered front class and cracked digitizer, and was extremely frustrated that though the lcd still worked fine, no touch functions seemed to work. I happened to try sliding to turn of the device and that part of the screen works! that's when I remembered that one of the retaining clips had broken off during the repair. Here's what the mylar tape guy said, though it is not really clear enough for me to make sense of. I hope someone makes a video tutorial for this.

Link text

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I used duct tape cut to correct size and formed it in to a roll with the sticky side out.

When the ribbon cable was inserted in the respective slot and the digitizer was put back together, It held and I have had no issues with the Ipad at all.

I heard that duct tape was good for everything !

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Can you explain in a little more detail where and how you put the duct tape. I broke those clips and stuck with a non working ipad2. Thanks!


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I fix the problem with a piece of paper (for me a post-it 'cause their is already glue on it) on the top of the conector ! hope it can help you !


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I too broke the clips when replacing the screen on my ipad 3. So i cut the connecting portion of the ribbon cable from the old screen that I had just removed and slid it into the slot on top of the new ribbon cable. I cut off the excess and this provided a tight connection and my ipad and works like new. I used a randon piece of ribbon cable to do the same for the LCD ribbon cable. If you need help I will be glad to answer your email. Ergrunt@hotmail.com.

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I have not yet successfully done what you are trying to do. But there is a video on you tube showing someone replacing just the clip successfully only there is no sound therefore no description of what is going on. I can tell you this, you will need some kind of hands free magnification, some good tools and a lot of patience.

As far as getting the part... it's very hard to find just the clip, but you can easily order the connector with the clip on it, remove the clip and attempt to install just the clip onto your connector.

I've watched the guy on you tube do it so it can be done. I just don't know how, yet.


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Hi guys, I've just repaired one that had a damaged clip, with enough patience you can re-use the old clip even with both ends broken off (I found this easier than trying to do it with one end still on). If you can hold it in place upright with a pair of tweezers and then plug the LCD in, you can get the clip to stay down. I put some tape over it for good measure and sealed it up straight away.

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