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Das erste Smartphone von Google mit Android, das Pixel XL (Modell Nummer: G-2PW2100) kam am 20. Oktober 2016 auf den Markt. Es hat ein 5.5" AMOLED Display, 3450 mAh Akku und 32 oder wahlweise 128 GB Speicher.

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Crackling noises after loudspeaker replacement.

Hello again. I swapped out my loudspeaker, and all I’m getting is crackling / electrical noises. I checked the spring contacts touching the loudspeaker and they are not the problem.

I’m assuming that either

a) The replacement speaker is defective or

b) Something else is causing the audio issue.

Any idea what other components (aside from the motherboard) I can try swapping out to fix the audio issue? The daughterboard doesn’t seem to have any sound-related ICs on it. Thanks

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My guess that its a bad loud speaker, it always depends where you could have gotten the part from, We take a chance with buying these 3rd party parts because sometimes they’re not fully tested before listed on the market.

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I just ordered a second replacement loudspeaker (third loudspeaker overall). Not confident it will resolve the issue, but I’ll keep you updated nonetheless. Thanks


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