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Ein Desktop Computer ist stationär und in einem Gehäuse untergebracht, getrennt von Peripheriegeräten wie Maus, Tastatur und Bildschirm

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I have a pavilion all-in-one 24-b016

I dropped my pavilion all-in-one and the screen shattered. Is the screen replaceable?

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@homeodoc1844 yes it is. Here is the information for the non-touch display:

HP Screen Assembly Part Number: 863826-001

HP Model Name: Fangio23

AU Optronics LCD Part Number: M238HAN01.0

Compatible Models: HP Pavilion 24-B: 24-B008LA 24-B016 (non-touch) 24-B016A 24-B020T 24-B102LA 24-B102TLA 24-B105TLA 24-B208LA 24-B220LA 24-B220T 24-B221LA All-in-One Desktop Series.

To replace it you’d need a hybrid between something like this video and this manual combined with this

It will not be as complicated as this answer seems to make it. Take lots of pictures and create a guide for the next person that may have to do the same repair https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/new

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