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Tefal Actifry ist ein Heißluftfrittiergerät. Dieses nützliche Gerät erlaubt es eine Menge von Speisen günstig und gut zuzubereiten, ist dazu sicherer und leichter zu reinigen als andere Frittiergeräte.

11 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Actifry tefal error 6

I get error 6 after few minutes.

Update (01/10/21)

The problem was on the electric circuit .

I have replaced the capacitors and the problem has been resolved!!!!

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how to repair E5,E6 on fryer tefal


Check the HZ may be defrance then specific of machine 50 or 60


My actifryer squashes all the food up what would the problem be


Please can you advise how to change the capacitors as ours started throwing the err6 fault code today but after 6 or 7 times of it doing it every minute or so it stopped and worked fine again so i imagine its on its last legs or overheating maybe


Could you advise where you got the capacitors and how much they cost please

Thanks regards Martyn


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There are two capacitors. Change both of them.

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Can u put pictures please


There are a couple pictures here :



Where are they..? And what are they?


@Adrian Martin Take a look at the link in the second comment here by Eric B; there's a video and picture and places to buy the parts. It's in French, but that's what Google Translate is for.


I have got the same error. But the Black Actifry (model serie:025) does not have any capacitors, I discover... But I did get a third capacitor from the supplier, for free ;-)


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I have replaced both the motor and thermostat and that did not help. I did not have the tool to check circut board but visually all looked fine. At least now after 10 times of disaassembky I know how to do it. I will check the capacitors again.

The official info about contacting electric supply company is absolutely out of the question. I have tried different networks and sockets.

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So how it went? @rogerino


@Carlos Garcia quick question. do you have the error 6 on the actifry? Error 6 appears to be related to overheating of the 330nF capacitors on the circuit board. If you have this error post a couple of pictures of your circuit board so we can check things out.


Do you mean rhe gray capacitors


I have model IH7000 and it gave the same error... now it is OK


I am happy that I found a way to change the 334k capacitor & 100uf/35 capacitor error e6


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