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Veröffentlicht am 16. September 2016. Modelbezeichnung 1660, 1778. Verfügbar in den Versionen: GSM oder CDMA / 32, 128 oder 256GB / Rosé Gold, Gold, Silber, Mattschwarz oder Hochglanz-Schwarz

45 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Are the logic board shields useful?

I was wondering if it is okey to just remove the shields permanently, I could’t find anyone saying you always need to have them or not so I’m asking before I remove them.

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The shield is for cooling the big chips, isolate EMI noises. Without installing the shield, the board still turns on but you may experience reduced stability and RF performance.

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I advise you not to remove the shield from the logic board, even if removed it must be returned to its place because it has a important function, They protect the components beside them from the heat, Such as processor heat

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