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Das Flaggschiff-Smartphone von Huawei wurde im Oktober 2018 in London vorgestellt. Die Modelle LYA-L29 und LYA-L09 sind mit einer 6/8 GB RAM und 128/256 GB Speicher erhältlich. Dreifachkamera-Konfiguration, 4200mAh Akku und ein im Display integrierter Fingerabdrucksensor.

19 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Huawei mate 20 pro went charge

I have the Huawei mate 20 pro and I'm having issues with charging device. Even if I use the original cable and plug, phone doesn't charge and also does acknowledge headphones when plugged in

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rachid qui  that is still a pretty new phone. Check first to find out if this will be covered under warranty. Normally I would say it is the battery but this phone is still to new to have battery issues.

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I think it might have something to do with the charging / headphone port because it doesn't recognise either


Sounds like some board issues. I'd definitely check the warranty first. I do hope you get it fixed.


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rachid qui wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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