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The Canon PowerShot is a 5.0 megapixel camera with 4x opitical zoom.

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Image not displaying on screen

When I turn the camera on, there is no display of any image through the lens although the screen seems to be working because I can see all the menu items and tab through them and make adjustments.

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Is the shutter opening on the front? Does the lens extend?


Yes to both. And the screen also works fine to view any pics on my memory card.


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1 Antwort

Gewählte Lösung


Can you take a picture and download it to a computer to check if the image is OK? I realize that you cannot "see" what you are taking.

If the downloaded image is just a black image then there may be a problem with the CCD sensor or sensor connection to the motherboard.

If the downloaded image is OK then there is a problem transferring the image from the sensor to the camera's LCD screen.

Here's a link to a video that shows how to dis-assemble the camera.

I know it's not for your particular fault but it still may be of some help in gaining access to the components of the camera.

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Thanks very much fro trying to help me with this issue.

OK so I tried your suggestions. I took 5 photos outside in full sunshine but could not see anything on the screen and as well I got a warning (flashing light) indicating inadequate light to take a photo. I then hooked it up to my computer and the only images that were displayed were those of previous photos I took that were still on the memory card. The 5 new ones I took were completely black. I also saw a warning on my computer screen indicating that none of the photos could be downloaded (including the ones I could see). So by this test it looks like the issue is with the CCD sensor or board.

Any further comments?



Are you using the software that came with the camera to try and download the pictures (both existing and new)?

If so and since that didn't work, just try connecting the camera to the PC and using Win Explorer (I don't know how to use a Mac ;-})and see if you can access the memory card in the camera and download the pictures this way.

If you can't access them this way either it's looking like there may be more than one problem with the motherboard.

Unfortunately as there is no provision to reinstall the camera's firmware (if it is just corrupted firmware that is causing the problem), the only option is to replace the motherboard and see if this resolves it.

Looking online for a replacement motherboard, it seems that they are not too expensive (<$US20 + postage).

If it turns out to be the CCD sensor as well they are a bit more (<$US40 + postage)


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