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Veröffentlicht am 26. Oktober 2018. Modelle A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108. Erhältlich als GSM oder CDMA / eSIM, Nano-SIM oder Dual-SIM / 64, 128 oder 256 GB / Schwarz, Weiß, Blau, Gelb, Koralle oder Rot. (Ausgesprochen "iPhone 10 R.")

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Phone won’t connect to 3g but Husband and Sons does

We are traveling in Northern California, I have 3 sprint iPhone XR’s that are less than a week old.. my phone will not connect to 3G but my husband and sons phone will when we are out walking trails. My phone strictly works on WiFi only. I’ve reset all network settings, took the sim out and turned the phone off and on multiple times. My settings match that of the other phones.

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I would contact Sprint. My issue was my SIM card. If you are reusing Sprint SIM cards, there may have been an incompatibility with the new phone. It could also be that the SIM is defective. It drove me crazy that I could not figure it out and the first tier of Sprint IT support couldn’t get it either. It wasn’t until they sent me to the network specialist that they looked at the SIM card number and my phone’s IMEI that they recognized my Sprint SIM card was incompatible with my phone. I went to the closest Sprint store and they gave me the correct SIM card for my phone. Just a thought, I hope you figure it out. Good luck!

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Thank you ! I’ll go to a sprint store when I get back home. The phone worked fine at my house before we left and it came with it’s own SIM card so I didn’t think that would be the problem but you never know. I did contact sprint last night and they were no help.. tier 1 help only gave me the steps I’ve already taken.


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I have an iPhone and I’m with Consumer Cellular, this won’t hEllie me. I need another solution. I was connecting then suddenly stopped. Our fire tv is connected, my iPad is connected & my son’s computer is connected. Just my phone quit. And I just noticed that my Apple care lapsed. & Consumer Cellular did not renew it! I’m just so %#*@ luck!!,!

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