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This page is intended for the Asus TF300T tablet released May of 2012. The Android operating system allows for users to use the tablet for multiple tasks.

19 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Where can I get reliable Asus Parts?

My tablet has a myriad of isues, mainly faulty external speaker (a buzzing sound comes alonside the actual sound when the TABLET's external speaker is in use, it doen't happen through the headphone jack or bluethooth), missing chunks of the midframe (still works), and a non funtional digitizer.

Where can I find a reliable seller of these parts:


External Speaker

Batery (both docking and tablet)

The screen adhesive

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Wolfgang 847  the only place we can officially support on here is iFixit. If they do not carry the parts you need then your online search if as good as any recommendation from us. The reason for that is that questions like yours will attract a lot of spam and everybody is going to try to sell you something. You would not get an objective answer

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