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Der Nintendo Game Boy Advance kam 2001 auf den Markt. Für Reparaturen braucht man keine besonderen Werkzeuge und keine Wärme.

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How can I get my gameboy advance bringerOk

When I put my game into gamesboy advance it not bright so how can I get it to bright

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@seminoles53 besides the great answer by @chrisgreen check the answers and links to this question How do I install a backlight LED in a Gameboy Advance?


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Gewählte Lösung

Unlike a lot of modern consoles, the original Gameboy Advance doesn’t have a backlit screen, this can make it a little hard to use in some places. Can you see the screen in a well-lit room? If so, you might just be experiencing expected behavior. It’s not incredibly uncommon for people to buy the screen from a newer Gameboy and swap it in to make these old consoles more playable.

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