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Das Samsung Galaxy S5 mini ist ein Smartphone erschien am 28. Juli 2014. Es ist mit einer 8MP Rückkamera, einem 720p Display, einem Fingerabdruckscanner und einem wasserdichten Gehäuse ausgestattet. Es hat ein größeres Display, längere Akkulaufzeit und eine bessere Kamera als sein älterer Bruder, das Galaxy S4 Mini.

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Hardware -problem, loose connection? Phone restarts frequently

My smartphone frequently blacks outs and either restarts immediately or doesn’t react untill I boot it up again. The problem is reproducible as the phone shuts off when I lightly tap it on the table as if I wanted to just put it down. (so, very light “shaking” already does the trick)

Either way I just noticed that it shuts down laying on the table not being touched at all, too.

Could it be some loose connection or a battery problem? I just purchased a new battery but it won’t arrrive until Thursday. Current battery is on 100%, loading was not a problem or strange at all. The phone is currently plugged in, too, but the problem remains.

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1 Antwort

Hello San Schmidt,

this does not seem to be a hardware problem. I use a Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini as my main device too. I had the same issue. Sadly there are no official updates of fixes available. But you can flash custom firmware, to solve the problem. I installed a new operating system and the problem was gone. Be aware that if you do this, check your guarantee.

Best Regards


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