Huawei P20 pro fingerprint sensor not working and overheating.

My P20 pro fingerprint sensor is overheating and not working for a while. Considering it’s overheating, I’m guessing it’s a hardware issue and thus it needs replacement. (If you know this issue and some other solution, please say so. Factory reset didn’t work).

I’ve watched this guide and found every part needed online, except for the adhesive at 5:42. It appears to be unique for this device because of how slim it is at the edges. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this adhesive, or if you have any other ideas (maybe a similiar one and cut it a bit) please let me know.

I’m a complete novice in electronics repair but I think as long as I follow that guide step by step I will be fine.



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Might also want to give a look.


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