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Repair guides and support for 17" laptops in the Pavilion Notebook 17 series. These laptops have model numbers 17-g000 – 17-g099.

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System Fan (90B) error


The laptop gives this error at the BIOS boot up stage.

The fan sounds like it spins up and down a few times.

The system then shuts down.

I opened up the laptop and the fan spun freely with my fingers. I put it back together, updated to the latest BIOS and it was ok for a few days.

It’s now doing the same again.

Any ideas please ?


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Fan needs to be replaced, had one that would intermittently display that error and replacing the fan fixed it. This is on a HP TPN-C125 general model.

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Hi @netdudeuk

I’ve fixed with this issue a lot in the past with HP. The bios on many older models can get stuck and will need a CMOS battery reset. You can simply remove the button battery and re-install, but I would recommend replacing it. It would be a good idea to complete a BIOS update as well if one it available.

If this issue continues even after the battery is reset, it may be a sign of BIOS failure.

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Have you tried blowing the dust out of the fan? Too much dust can make a fan under-perform , which will cause a 90B error.

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Block Image


I removed the heat sink and fan and there wasn’t a speck of dust. I applied thermal compound and re-fitted it.

I replaced the backup battery.

The laptop started up ok many times.

The error had returned this morning though.

I turned the laptop onto it’s side and blew into the vent. It then started up ok again !

I wonder if there are certain positions where the fan cannot start ?

There are plenty of replacement fans for HP laptops on eBay UK but it isn’t clear if they would be compatible.

For example, this looks similar.


I have attached a picture of mine.


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BTW, thanks for the previous replies.

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